Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #C93A on image #1323124

Background Pony #C93A
"Well, hello darling!" Rarity cooed as she saw a familiar mother-son pair, "I see you brought Button Mash along."

"I did. And who is this lovely young lady with you Miss Rarity?" Button's mom motioned to a gorgeous young woman getting out of her deck chair to join them.

The fashionista chuckled, "Why, she's someone young Master Mash ought to know very well. Though I realize he hasn't seen her since the beginning of Summer."

"Well Button, aren't you going to say hello?" his mother chided.

"Um, I don't really know who this lady is, Mom." he muttered. Then, to the strange woman, "Are you Sweetie Belle's cousin? You look a lot like her."

The buxom girl giggled, clearly indulging in a private joke. Finally, she bent over slightly and looked the boy in the eyes. "Silly, it's me!"

"S-Sweetie Belle?!" He couldn't believe it. "But you're shorter than I am—I mean you were... What is going on?"

Button Mash couldn't help but stare. The older looking female who stood before him definitely had the same hair and mannerisms as his friend from school, but she was definitely NOT the slim little girl he remembered. He couldn't help but let his eyes wander over her buxom new body. Sweetie Belle stood nearly as tall as her older sister (and his mom) and she had a figure that was a match for any one of the busty babes hanging out by the pool. Her large, perky boobs and taught, round butt where barely contained by a skimpy bikini that would have looked silly on her just a few months ago, but now struggled to contain her womanly curves!

Noticing the attention her schoolmate was giving her body, Sweetie hunched over a little, as though she was shy. Rarity noticed and tsk'd at her.

"Now don't be shy Sweetie Belle, you knew this was coming. Better you meet one of your friends first, right?"

Button Mash heard his mom chime in. "That's right dear. I assume you got your growth spurt a little early?" The grown girl nodded affirmatively. "Well, don't you worry, Sweetie Belle. There's always one girl in a class who gets hers before anyone else and grows up all the faster for it!" The older woman laughed. "I'll bet it was quite a surprise. They tell you it's supposed to take a whole year to become an adult and you do it over summer vacation."

Rarity smirked as she put her hands on her younger sister's shoulders and nudged her to stand up strait.

"I should say so," the designer responded in place of her sibling, "She went from training bras to d-cups almost overnight!" Sweetie blushed and Rarity admonished her, "Now now, you don't have anything to be shy about. Not with THAT body!"

Button's mom agreed, "That's right. You're a woman now, my dear. You have to act like one. And no woman should be bashful about her body, especially in front a little boy." She glanced down at her son.

"Hey, she's younger than I am!" Button said defensively. He glared at Sweetie Belle who looked chagrined.

"That may be, but she's all grown up. She's an adult now and you should remember that," his mother scolded.

At that, Sweetie perked up, though she still looked around nervously.

Sensing that Sweetie still needed some confidence, Button's mom gave her son a pat on the head.

"Why don't you go run along and play, dear? I'm going to head to the spa. I hear their full body massages are the best. Rarity, Sweetie Belle, would you care to join me?"

Sensing what the other woman was up too, Rarity joined in. "I would be delighted to, and so would Sweetie." She winked at her younger sister, "I hear the masseuses here are quite the hunks!"

Sweetie Belle opened her mouth and looked like she was going to ask if it was really alright for her to join in on an activity that sounded so... adult, but then something seemed to click in her mind and she smiled a bit more confidently. She stood up strait and even thrust her chest out a little.

"Yeah, that sounds great!" Sweetie thought for a moment and then got a wicked little grin. "Do you think they'd mind if I asked them to massage more than just my back?"

Her companions howled at the saucy innuendo. They immediately started chatting and joking as they left the pool. Button Mash shook his head as he watched the women head towards the main building. If he hadn't known any better he would have sworn that all three females had been gal-pals for years.
Reason: spelling
Edited by Background Pony #C93A
Background Pony #C93A
"Well, hello darling!" Rarity cooed as she saw a familiar mother-son pair, "I see you brought Button Mash along."

"I did. And who is this lovely young lady with you Miss Rarity?" Button's mom motioned to a gorgeous young woman getting out of her deck chair to join them.

The fashionista chuckled, "Why, she's someone young Master Mash out to know very well. Though I realize he hasn't seen her since the beginning of Summer."

"Well Button, aren't you going to say hello?" his mother chided.

"Um, I don't really know who this lady is, Mom." he muttered. Then, to the strange woman, "Are you Sweetie Belle's cousin? You look a lot like her."

The buxom girl giggled, clearly indulging in a private joke. Finally, she bent over slightly and looked the boy in the eyes. "Silly, it's me!"

"S-Sweetie Belle?!" He couldn't believe it. "But you're shorter than I am—I mean you were... What is going on?"

Button Mash couldn't help but stare. The older looking female who stood before him definitely had the same hair and mannerisms as his friend from school, but she was definitely NOT the slim little girl he remembered. He couldn't help but let his eyes wander over her buxom new body. Sweetie Belle stood nearly as tall as her older sister (and his mom) and she had a figure that was a match for any one of the busty babes hanging out by the pool. Her large, perky boobs and taught, round butt where barely contained by a skimpy bikini that would have looked silly on her just a few months ago, but now struggled to contain her womanly curves!

Noticing the attention her schoolmate was giving her body, Sweetie hunched over a little, as though she was shy. Rarity noticed and tsk'd at her.

"Now don't be shy Sweetie Belle, you knew this was coming. Better you meet one of your friends first, right?"

Button Mash heard his mom chime in. "That's right dear. I assume you got your growth spurt a little early?" The grown girl nodded affirmatively. "Well, don't you worry, Sweetie Belle. There's always one girl in a class who gets hers before anyone else and grows up all the faster for it!" The older woman laughed. "I'll bet it was quite a surprise. They tell you it's supposed to take a whole year to become an adult and you do it over summer vacation."

Rarity smirked as she put her hands on her younger sister's shoulders and nudged her to stand up strait.

"I should say so," the designer responded in place of her sibling, "She went from training bras to d-cups almost overnight!" Sweetie blushed and Rarity admonished her, "Now now, you don't have anything to be shy about. Not with THAT body!"

Button's mom agreed, "That's right. You're a woman now, my dear. You have to act like one. And no woman should be bashful about her body, especially in front a little boy." She glanced down at her son.

"Hey, she's younger than I am!" Button said defensively. He glared at Sweetie Belle who looked chagrined.

"That may be, but she's all grown up. She's an adult now and you should remember that," his mother scolded.

At that, Sweetie perked up, though she still looked around nervously.

Sensing that Sweetie still needed some confidence, Button's mom gave her son a pat on the head.

"Why don't you go run along and play, dear? I'm going to head to the spa. I hear their full body massages are the best. Rarity, Sweetie Belle, would you care to join me?"

Sensing what the other woman was up too, Rarity joined in. "I would be delighted to, and so would Sweetie." She winked at her younger sister, "I hear the masseuses here are quite the hunks!"

Sweetie Belle opened her mouth and looked like she was going to ask if it was really alright for her to join in on an activity that sounded so... adult, but then something seemed to click in her mind and she smiled a bit more confidently. She stood up strait and even thrust her chest out a little.

"Yeah, that sounds great!" Sweetie thought for a moment and then got a wicked little grin. "Do you think they'd mind if I asked them to massage more than just my back?"

Her companions howled at the saucy innuendo. They immediately started chatting and joking as they left the pool. Button Mash shook his head as he watched the women head towards the main building. If he hadn't known any better he would have sworn that all three females had been gal-pals for years.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #C93A