Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Ihhh on image #1366611

Duck - Likes to sockpuppet for drama
Duck - 1104243, just... 1104243
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Wait, you're expecting an episode of a tv show to stand on it's own and not rely on the context of past episodes? What? This isn't a stand alone movie, it's a season finale, a season finale shouldn't have to establish what has already been established in the show numerous times. Either your wording is really bad, or your logic is incoherent, or both, since I can barely even understand what you're even talking about. Either way your comment makes no sense.
No reason given
Edited by Ihhh
Duck - Likes to sockpuppet for drama
Duck - 1104243, just... 1104243
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Wait, you're expecting an episode of a tv show to stand on it's own and not rely on the context of past episodes? What? This isn't a stand alone movie, it's a season finale, a season finale shouldn't have to establish what has already been established in the show numerous times. Either your wording is really bad, or your logic is incoherent. Either way your comment makes no sense.
No reason given
Edited by Ihhh