Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Scrounge on image #1366845

My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Since the Beginning  -

nobody's favorite
Is it just me or is that a toboggkanyak with wings?



We need to have a badge of Twilight's gramophone where the alt text is the dead horse a user keeps beating unmercifully regardless of context or appropriateness; say, "Fosgitt sux! SKRRRK-- Fosgitt sux! SKRRRK--", that sort of thing. [/bq]

How badly would I have to spam to get one that says "Cocowhinny"? ;)
Reason: toboggans don't look like I thought they did. Gave up on sledding.
Edited by Scrounge
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Since the Beginning  -

nobody's favorite
Is it just me or is that a toboggan with wings?

[bq="TexasUberAlles"] We need to have a badge of Twilight's gramophone where the alt text is the dead horse a user keeps beating unmercifully regardless of context or appropriateness; say, "Fosgitt sux! SKRRRK-- Fosgitt sux! SKRRRK--", that sort of thing. [/bq]

How badly would I have to spam to get one that says "Cocowhinny"? ;)
No reason given
Edited by Scrounge
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Since the Beginning  -

nobody's favorite
[bq="TexasUberAlles"] We need to have a badge of Twilight's gramophone where the alt text is the dead horse a user keeps beating unmercifully regardless of context or appropriateness; say, "Fosgitt sux! SKRRRK-- Fosgitt sux! SKRRRK--", that sort of thing. [/bq]

How badly would I have to spam to get one that says "Cocowhinny"? ;)
No reason given
Edited by Scrounge