Viewing last 25 versions of comment by CronoM on image #1387798


Okay so....

Between the twitter trailer and the facebook trailer, I have conflicted feelings.

On one hand, there are way too many Starlight Glimmer-centric themes in this to feel comfortable with, cause the amount of premiers and finales they've wasted on her character is unreal. The only positive out of that onwards is more Trixie by association.

On the other hand, the scenario seems to be a perfect setup for how she's hastily being moved to temporary main character to side-character status, and out of the lime light, due to no longer being Twilight's apprentice. I'm perfectly fine with her one the sidelines because that still means more opportunity for more Trixie. Starlight's pattern of creating more problems for herself and others where there weren't ones originally is just as apparent here as it was before and....

....let's be honest, this whole teaching scenario between Twilight and Starlight has basically been the blind leading the blind.

On the other OTHER hand, if they make Starlight an alicorn princess at the end of this episode, I'm going to have a cow.


There's nothing douchey about giving valid criticisms. The professional writers that still work on MLP know what is well written and what is slapped on, the majority of us aren't going to offend them with us being honest. And nothing in any show or series would ever change or improve if everyone pretended terrible stuff was actually good.

So for people saying 'stop the Starlight hate'...why? Its just words, lots of words from lots of people. If people were hating on characters that sucked in the past, but not anymore, then those people would be the **un**-reasonable critics. If they sucked in the past but never really improved, then, there's not much to be considered unreasonable. Criticisms abound.
No reason given
Edited by CronoM

Okay so....

Between the twitter trailer and the facebook trailer, I have conflicted feelings.

On one hand, there are way too many Starlight Glimmer-centric themes in this to feel comfortable with, cause the amount of premiers and finales they've wasted on her character is unreal. The only positive out of that onwards is more Trixie by association.

On the other hand, the scenario seems to be a perfect setup for how she's hastily being moved to temporary main character to side-character status, and out of the lime light, due to no longer being Twilight's apprentice. I'm perfectly fine with her one the sidelines because that still means more opportunity for more Trixie. Starlight's pattern of creating more problems for herself and others where there weren't ones originally is just as apparent here as it was before and....

....let's be honest, this whole teaching scenario between Twilight and Starlight has basically been the blind leading the blind.

On the other OTHER hand, if they make Starlight an alicorn princess at the end of this episode, I'm going to have a cow.

There's nothing douchey about giving valid criticisms. The professional writers that still work on MLP know what is well written and what is slapped on, the majority of us aren't going to offend them with us being honest. And nothing in any show or series would ever change or improve if everyone pretended terrible stuff was actually good.

So for people saying 'stop the Starlight hate'...why? Its just words, lots of words from lots of people. If people were hating on characters that sucked in the past, but not anymore, then those people would be the *un*-reasonable critics. If they sucked in the past but never really improved, then, there's not much to be considered unreasonable. Criticisms abound.
No reason given
Edited by CronoM