Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Twilatron217 on image #1394452

Duck - Certified authentic waterfowl

"[@Background Pony #4CF0":](/1394452#comment_5960161
I caught a glimpse of it and it looks cool
It doesn't help that the guy doesn't take time to look at the figures atop of having that cringeworthy annoying music playing.
No reason given
Edited by Twilatron217
Duck - Certified authentic waterfowl

"@Background Pony #4CF0":/1394452#comment_5960161
I caught a glimpse of it and it looks cool
It do
esn't help that the guy doesn't take time to look at the figures atop of having that cringeworthy music playing.
No reason given
Edited by Twilatron217
Duck - Certified authentic waterfowl

"@Background Pony #4CF0":/1394452#comment_5960161
It doesn't help that the guy doesn't take time to look at the figures atop of having that cringeworthy music playing.
No reason given
Edited by Twilatron217