Viewing last 25 versions of comment by leondmaster on image #1403893

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"[@Background Pony #5208":](/1403893#comment_5992349
Having magic might help, but the confederate military is massive and in the star wars EU they gave the republic a run for their money. Ultimately we are talking about an invasion of aliens with superior technology, numbers, firepower, and resources. Seeing as equestria doesn't have space ships of any description they can only wage a defensive war that they can never truly win because the confederates can just setup a droid factory and some mining facilities in the equestrian star system without fear of counter-attack. Then endlessly pump out new droids until the enemy is overwhelmed by sheer numbers and forced into peace talks.
No reason given
Edited by leondmaster
Artist -

"@Background Pony #5208":/1403893#comment_5992349
Having magic might help, but the confederate military is massive and in the star wars EU they gave the republic a run for their money. Ultimately we are talking about an invasion of aliens with superior technology, numbers, firepower, and resources. Seeing as equestria doesn't have space ships of any description they can only wage a defensive war that they can never truly win because the confederates can just setup a droid factory and some mining facilities in the equestrian star system without fear of counter-attack.
No reason given
Edited by leondmaster