Viewing last 25 versions of comment by BackgroundLoL on image #1406253

Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)

So I read the comic - and thankfully, I was pretty much entirely wrong (aside from arguably some very minor stuff, but more on that bellow).

The comic does show Celestia as mean spirited, and haughty, but gives her some ground on it, as she cannot advance to more advanced subject, if Luna doesn't.

But it's shown when [spoiler]|| Luna is abducted by the Nightmare stuff [/spoiler]|| Celestia loves her sister dearly, as as jumps to Luna's help as a immediate reaction to her sister being in danger. The only critique, is that Celestia was shown as very unsympathetic up to this point, but I guess it's largelly because of the limits of the story's length.

Celestia also shows great guilt after this, blaming herself, that Luna was abducted, and the tragic part is, she is (largely) right. She also is incredibly dedicated to save Luna, and it's so important, Celestia even doesn't think it through, as she is even stated in comic to usually.

Generally I like this comic, and I happily admit I was wrong.

I fear though the Celestia hatedom will [spoiler]|| use the fact Celestia ultimately pressured Luna with her teasing/mocking to open the portal to the "Nightmare Dimension", and apparently cause Luna to have contact with what ultimately will turn her into Nightmare Moon, ignoring the fact Celestia also in the same comic, prevented Luna from becoming Nightmare Moon much earlier, and in this time, with a weaker, less experienced Celestia, Nightmare Moon might have won. ||

Yup, and Celestia also goes through a similar character development as Sunset, although with different circumstances.



Also, a minor thing, and a bit late:
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As for the retconing, the same dialogue that supposedly retcons Starswirl's presence also mentions that he went on multiple sabbaticals. He could easily have disappeared before NMM then returned in time for Reflections before disappearing again sometime after. [/bq]

From what was was told, it pretty much seemed Starswirl **final** disappearance, was before Luna became Nightmare Moon.
Sunbburst: "And when **he didn't return**?
Celestia: "At first we were he would. Then, once a few months have passed we stopped looking. We were still young, and we didn't dare to disturb our tutors things. *Then there was the fight, and I exilled Luna to the Moon. After that I was to busy...or perhaps it hurt too much to think of those days."

I pretty much got it from that Celestia states she never met with Starswirl, after the first Nightmare Moon crisis.

Again though, in perspective, it's a minor mistake, and as I noticed before, I was wrong with my doubts about this story, and I'm happy because of that.
No reason given
Edited by BackgroundLoL
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)

So I read the comic - and thankfully, I was pretty entirely wrong (aside from arguably some very minor stuff, but more on that bellow).

The comic does show Celestia as mean spirited, and haughty, but gives her some ground on it, as she cannot advance to more advanced subject, if Luna doesn't.

But it's shown when [spoiler] Luna is abducted by the Nightmare stuff [/spoiler] Celestia loves her sister dearly, as as jumps to Luna's help as a immediate reaction to her sister being in danger. The only critique, is that Celestia was shown as very unsympathetic up to this point, but I guess it's largelly because of the limits of the story's length.

Celestia also shows great guilt after this, blaming herself, that Luna was abducted, and the tragic part is, she is (largely) right. She also is incredibly dedicated to save Luna, and it's so important, Celestia even doesn't think it through, as she is even stated in comic to usually.

Generally I like this comic, and I happily admit I was wrong.

I fear though the Celestia hatedom will [spoiler] use the fact Celestia ultimately pressured Luna with her teasing/mocking to open the portal to the "Nightmare Dimension", and apparently cause Luna to have contact with what ultimately will turn her into Nightmare Moon, ignoring the fact Celestia also in the same comic, prevented Luna from becoming Nightmare Moon much earlier, and in this time, with a weaker, less experienced Celestia, Nightmare Moon might have won. [/spoiler]

Yup, and Celestia also goes through a similar character development as Sunset, although with different circumstances.


Also, a minor thing, and a bit late:
[bq="Dustcan"] "@BackgroundLoL":/1406253#comment_6002725
As for the retconing, the same dialogue that supposedly retcons Starswirl's presence also mentions that he went on multiple sabbaticals. He could easily have disappeared before NMM then returned in time for Reflections before disappearing again sometime after. [/bq]

From what was was told, it pretty much seemed Starswirl *final* disappearance, was before Luna became Nightmare Moon.
Sunbburst: "And when *he didn't return*?
Celestia: "At first we were he would. Then, once a few months have passed we stopped looking. We were still young, and we didn't dare to disturb our tutors things. *Then there was the fight, and I exilled Luna to the Moon. After that I was to busy...or perhaps it hurt too much to think of those days."

I pretty much got it from that Celestia states she never met with Starswirl, after the first Nightmare Moon crisis.

Again though, in perspective, it's a minor mistake, and as I noticed before, I was wrong with my doubts about this story, and I'm happy because of that.
No reason given
Edited by BackgroundLoL