Viewing last 25 versions of comment by OverlordScorpion on image #1411103

Speaking Fancy - Badge given to members that help with translations

Λάθε βιώσας
"[@Cirrus Light":](/1411103#comment_6020641
Depends on when symbiogenesis happened proper--whether 1.6-ish billion years or slightly over 2.


o: if no *billions*, in the plural = no Sagan reference today
No reason given
Edited by OverlordScorpion
Speaking Fancy - Badge given to members that help with translations

Λάθε βιώσας
"@Cirrus Light":/1411103#comment_6020641
Depends on when symbiogenesis happened proper--whether 1.6-ish billion years or slightly over 2.

No plural = no Sagan reference
No reason given
Edited by OverlordScorpion