Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Goro's Lair on image #1426219

Goro's Lair


Okay, I apologize for commenting twice, but I'd like to leave this though, in a much more kinder way than what the background pony above you said.

Improving is something to work on, and I know you can. Just take the time you need, and have fun with it. I just don't think saying--

"For your information: we don’t care about your feelings and struggles – we want content and we want it good.

Provide it or disappear from this part of the Internet. That is all."

-is any good encouragement. Just take the time you need to improve on your own, and do what you want. Don't let anyone chase you off just because someone doesn't like it. I know you can do it, you're pretty cool.

Ugh, I'm having a hard time trying to say this. All I'm saying is, its good to improve your work, but its good to still have fun. God, I suck at this. I'm trying to leave encouraging advice without being a jerk. And I suck at that. I'm sorry I said anything to offend you.

No reason given
Edited by Goro's Lair
Goro's Lair


Okay, I apologize for commenting twice, but I'd like to leave this though, in a much more kinder way than what the background pony above you said.

Improving is something to work on, and I know you can. Just take the time you need, and have fun with it. I just don't think saying--

"For your information: we don’t care about your feelings and struggles – we want content and we want it good.

Provide it or disappear from this part of the Internet. That is all."

-is any good encouragement. Just take the time you need to improve on your own, and do what you want. Don't let anyone chase you off just because someone doesn't like it. I know you can do it, you're pretty cool. :)

I'm having a hard time trying to say this. All I'm saying is, its good to improve your work, but its good to still have fun. God, I suck at this. I'm trying to leave encouraging advice without being a jerk. And I suck at that. I'm sorry I said anything to offend you.

No reason given
Edited by Goro's Lair
Goro's Lair


Okay, I apologize for commenting twice, but I'd like to leave this though, in a much more kinder way than what the background pony above you said.

Improving is something to work on, and I know you can. Just take the time you need, and have fun with it. I just don't think saying--

"For your information: we don’t care about your feelings and struggles – we want content and we want it good.

Provide it or disappear from this part of the Internet. That is all."

-is any good encouragement. Just take the time you need to improve on your own, and do what you want. Don't let anyone chase you off just because someone doesn't like it. I know you can do it, you're pretty cool. :)

No reason given
Edited by Goro's Lair