Subjects of Equestria! We are pleased to kick off the Nightmare Night Festivities and the 14th anniversary of the return of our beloved Princess Luna! Join us in celebration!

Viewing last 25 versions of comment by SorryNeverSorry on image #1431673


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"[@Background Pony #FCF9":](/1431673#comment_6107249
Rainbow doesn't _*need_* to feel a certain way about her parents. If she doesn't like their over-the-top support, that's her prerogative. Also, we never *knew* that Scootaloo didn't have supportive parents, and neither did Rainbow Dash.  
I will concede, though, she probably should have told them something a long time ago instead of avoiding the issue for years.  
Speaking of Scootaloo's parents, is it just slowly becoming canon that she's an orphan?
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Edited by SorryNeverSorry

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"@Background Pony #FCF9":/1431673#comment_6107249
Rainbow doesn't _need_ to feel a certain way about her parents. If she doesn't like their over-the-top support, that's her prerogative. I will concede, though, she probably should have told them something a long time ago instead of avoiding the issue for years.
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Edited by SorryNeverSorry