Subjects of Equestria! We are pleased to kick off the Nightmare Night Festivities and the 14th anniversary of the return of our beloved Princess Luna! Join us in celebration!

Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Prof.NightJack on image #1435614

Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Gizmonics Scientist
"[@Background Pony #A1F8":](/1435614#comment_6118793
Depends on how close the relation is, if it goes mbanyck many, many generations then it's just as much incest as it would be with any other pony.
No reason given
Edited by Prof.NightJack
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Gizmonics Scientist
"@Background Pony #A1F8":/1435614#comment_6118793
Depends on how close the relation is, if it goes many many, many generations then it's just as much incest as it would be with any other pony.
No reason given
Edited by Prof.NightJack