Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Ryodraco on image #1441184


Alicorn bodies are tougher than that. Recall in a flashback Celestia got up barely hurt after taking a blast from Nightmare Moon that was ripping through her castle like it was made of paper.


That a
nd this is a dream of course, (nothis is that you dreon't know thamt). ^_^
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Edited by Ryodraco

Alicorn bodies are tougher than that. Recall in a flashback Celestia got up barely hurt after taking a blast from Nightmare Moon that was ripping through her castle like it was made of paper.

And of course, this is a dream. ^_^
No reason given
Edited by Ryodraco

Alicorn bodies are tougher than that. Recall in a flashback Celestia got up barely hurt after taking a blast from Nightmare Moon that was ripping through her castle like it was made of paper.
No reason given
Edited by Ryodraco