Subjects of Equestria! We are pleased to kick off the Nightmare Night Festivities and the 14th anniversary of the return of our beloved Princess Luna! Join us in celebration!

Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #61C9 on image #1450735

Background Pony #61C9
"[@Background Pony #2254":](/1450735#comment_6185965
Starlight was a literal first-among-equals leader, and Twilight is now the plot device appearing in bit parts. So yes, Starlight is just the shitty, less interesting replacement for Twilight after Twilight was taken out of her original role in the show. Starlight doesn't even have the group of friend to adventure around with. Unless they plan on replacing the rest of the main 6 and make up some new version of the Elements of Harmony. Which wouldn't be surprising
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #61C9
Background Pony #61C9
"@Background Pony #2254":/1450735#comment_6185965
Starlight was a literal first-among-equals leader, and Twilight is now the plot device appearing in bit parts. So yes, Starlight is just the shitty, less interesting replacement for Twilight after Twilight was taken out of her original role in the show.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #61C9