Viewing last 25 versions of comment by ThePonyTheorist on image #1451053

Non-Fungible Trixie -

Well, that seems to fit nicely! Two large fonts of emotion - but, Cadance had a pretty rediculous amount of love flowing around her, which would be enough to power a teleportation to whatever this mysterious realm is. My theory still holds ;)
Also; i'm assuming Cadance released the love. That could also power it - the question then becomes, what was the actual spell that channeled that energy? Perhaps an unexpected consequence of one of the enchantress's spells?
No reason given
Edited by ThePonyTheorist
Non-Fungible Trixie -

Well, that seems to fit nicely! Two large fonts of emotion - but, Cadance had a pretty rediculous amount of love flowing around her, which would be enough to power a teleportation to whatever this mysterious realm is. My theory still holds ;)
No reason given
Edited by ThePonyTheorist