Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Necrikus on image #1468186


6) Cookie Crumbles: Not a fan of the hairdo or accent.
5) Mrs. Shy: Okay, but still not much of a fan.
4) Twilight Velvet: Not bad, but points off for an overly standard design.
3-2) Cloudy Quartz and Pear Butter: Pear Butter is up there, but Cloudy can tie with her so long as her hair is down.
Also points off for Pear Butter for being an ex-pony.  
1) Windy Whistles: Because... yes.
No reason given
Edited by Necrikus

6) Cookie Crumbles: Not a fan of the hairdo or accent.
5) Mrs. Shy: Okay, but still not much of a fan.
4) Twilight Velvet: Not bad, but points off for an overly standard design.
3-2) Cloudy Quartz and Pear Butter: Pear Butter is up there, but Cloudy can tie with her so long as her hair is down.
1) Windy Whistles: Because... yes.
No reason given
Edited by Necrikus