Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #3E8A on image #1468186

Background Pony #3E8A
Sure, things happen outside what we see on show, but using the argument like that is pretty meaningless because mliterally anything COULD happen at any time were not seeing it, but that doesnt mean its actually happening, and should be treated as it was happening. Its kind of like when people assume celestia is thousands iof years old when we actually have no idea other than thats shes "old"
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Edited by Background Pony #3E8A
Background Pony #3E8A
Sure, things happen outside what we see on show, but using the argument like that is pretty meaningless because miterally anything COULD happen at any time were not seeing it, but that doesnt mean its actually happening, and should be treated as it was happening. Its kind of like when people assume celestia is thousands if years old when we actually have no idea other than thats shes "old"
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #3E8A