Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Philweasel on image #1472875

Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.

Right About Everything
"[@Beau Skunky":](/1472875#comment_6308114)  
Personally I like Starlight in a secondary character position. I feel she's the more interesting character with more room for development, but that she fits poorly as a ideal hero. She also tends towards the smug, which works as a flawed anti-hero, but makes her a little more difficult to root for as a straight babyface. Her thing of being incredibly powerful and eager to help but so unwise about using that power that it often makes things worse really works for me, because it makes her relateable and flawed, yet still possessing of admirable qualities. It means she can do really cool stuff but the plot can always be a challenge to her.
Sunset Shimmer on the other hand is incredibly cool, no question about it. But she's not changed much since Rainbow Rocks, and she's actually only grown more virtuous, dedicated and straightforward. Her conflict in 'Mirror Magic' is she can't turn off the hero, that she feels she always has to be prepared and ready to save the world. This isn't massively interesting in terms of conflict, but it gives her stacks of raw charisma. She delivers some of the best friendship speeches in the show (full props to Rebecca Shoichet), she provides no end of inspirational moments to drive the development of other characters, and no one looks cooler kicking a bad guy's butt.
They're two of my hands down favorite characters (if it wasn't already obvious).
No reason given
Edited by Philweasel
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.

Right About Everything
"@Beau Skunky":/1472875#comment_6308114
Personally I like Starlight in a secondary character position. I feel she's the more interesting character with more room for development, but that she fits poorly as a ideal hero. She also tends towards the smug, which works as a flawed anti-hero, but makes her a little more difficult to root for as a straight babyface. Her thing of being incredibly powerful and eager to help but so unwise about using that power that it often makes things worse really works for me, because it makes her relateable and flawed, yet still possessing of admirable qualities. It means she can do really cool stuff but the plot can always be a challenge to her.

Sunset Shimmer on the other hand is incredibly cool, no question about it. But she's not changed much since Rainbow Rocks, and she's actually only grown more virtuous, dedicated and straightforward. Her conflict in 'Mirror Magic' is she can't turn off the hero, that she feels she always has to be prepared and ready to save the world. This isn't massively interesting in terms of conflict, but it gives her stacks of raw charisma. She delivers some of the best friendship speeches in the show (full props to Rebecca Shoichet), she provides no end of inspirational moments to drive the development of other characters, and no one looks cooler kicking a bad guy's butt.

They're two of my hands down favorite characters (if it wasn't already obvious).
No reason given
Edited by Philweasel