Think Before The Check!
Starlight Glimmer : King me!
Sunset Shimmer : Are you sure?
Starlight Glimmer : Yeah, I'm wasgoin'tg for the scheckmate! Come on.
Sunset Shingmmer : Okasy, Twiuhhh...
Starlight dGlimmer : I'll go hesre.
What yours?
Sunset Shimmer : OkayUhhhh.
.. like this? **Asighs** Look, ife I would miknow this, you tell me ins**
Starlight Glimmer : WHmmmm... Not good, Sunset. That's, eerr, noo!t Ctheckm position you wante!. I won!
Sunset Shimmer : Dammit! You're know what, bad luck infor thme! hYouman wknorldw, when I was playing chess with my human friends, I'm always wins!