Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #BA07 on image #1485904

Background Pony #BA07
Okay, my questions, why are you claiming art as yours alongside the original creator.? Also, why are you just reuploading a picture that Squish has already made? If you're EDITING someone's art, you give yourself the tag "editor:jhayarr23" AND place in the "edit" tag.
Reason: ?
Edited by Background Pony #BA07
Background Pony #BA07
Okay, my questions, why are you claiming art as yours alongside the original creator. Also, why are you just reuploading a picture that Squish has already made? If you're EDITING someone's art, you give yourself the tag "editor:jhayarr23" AND place in the "edit" tag.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #BA07