Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #030D on image #1539605

Background Pony #030D
"[@The Smiling Pony":](/1539605#comment_6523650
Yeah, I guess there's a bit of truth in that. It also depends on how effective the winners can enforce their "truth". Usually the winners are better at it but there's always going to be an alternative to it somewhere and only dying would completely take away your ability to tell a different story.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #030D
Background Pony #030D
"@The Smiling Pony":/1539605#comment_6523650
Yeah, I guess there's a bit of truth in that. It also depends on how effective the winners can enforce their "truth". Usually the winners are better at it but there's always going to be an alternative to it somewhere and only dying would take away your ability to tell a different story.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #030D
Background Pony #030D
"@The Smiling Pony":/1539605#comment_6523650
Yeah, I guess there's a bit of truth in that. It also depends on how effective the winners can enforce their "truth". Usually the winners are better at it but there's always going to be an alternative to it somewhere.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #030D