Viewing last 25 versions of comment by justanotherponi on image #1601535

Wallet After Summer Sale -

The Lost Primarch
"[@Background Pony #D00D":](/1601535#comment_6722045
) Pony 

#D00D"] James bond style opening? Like silhouette ponies dancing around on storm guard staffs? [/bq]

Someone Get this background Pony a cookie and get on making this NOW!

If I might suggest Spectre's opening song ("Writings on the wall" by Sam Smith) for said opening? Because I'm not going to lie, the lyrics for that song are oddly...fitting for the MLP movies events and theme.

Although "You Know my Name" from Casino Royale could work well too, and the beat is probably better suited for an MLP style bond opening.

Still, I am nyopne have any for other ideas.?
No reason given
Edited by justanotherponi
Wallet After Summer Sale -

The Lost Primarch
"@Background Pony #D00D":/1601535#comment_6722045
[bq="Background Pony #D00D"] James bond style opening? Like silhouette ponies dancing around on storm guard staffs? [/bq]

Someone Get this background Pony a cookie and get on making this NOW!

If I might suggest Spectre's opening song ("Writings on the wall" by Sam Smith) for said opening? Because I'm not going to lie, the lyrics for that song are oddly...fitting for the MLP movies events and theme.

Although "You Know my Name" from Casino Royale could work well too, and the beat is probably better suited for an MLP style bond opening.

Still, I am open for other ideas.
No reason given
Edited by justanotherponi