Viewing last 25 versions of comment by The Dark Pony on image #1635282

The Dark Pony

"[@Background Pony #B52B":](/1635282#comment_6828302
I was talking about the writers of the show, not people downvoting my pics, besides, some of my mud edits have more upvotes than downvotes (look at this pic, for instance). Why won't the writers cover the Equestria Girls in mud when they do it to ponies all the time, along with slime or garbage, and, when it comes to fetishes that are innocuous to people without them, tying them up. They even like to focus on the ponies' butts a little too much. So, having Equestria Girls fall into or play in the mud should be as easy as having Sunset and Twilight, and presumably Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, in the rain.
No reason given
Edited by The Dark Pony
The Dark Pony

"@Background Pony #B52B":/1635282#comment_6828302
I was talking about the writers of the show, not people downvoting my pics, besides, some of my mud edits have more upvotes than downvotes. Why won't the writers cover the Equestria Girls in mud when they do it to ponies all the time, along with slime or garbage, and, when it comes to fetishes that are innocuous to people without them, tying them up. They even like to focus on the ponies' butts a little too much. So, having Equestria Girls fall into or play in the mud should be as easy as having Sunset and Twilight, and presumably Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, in the rain.
No reason given
Edited by The Dark Pony