Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #E52F on image #1655399

Background Pony #E52F
I guess I'll be the one....
"Aro": Hoop, ring, or loop. And "Fruti", is well, fruity.
The cereal's name is literally "Fruity loops"." My guess is that they changed the last part to avoid some kind of copyright with Kellogg's as "Fruti Lupis," is the earlier name for Fruit Loops in Mexico - some say, pre 1988 - while the first portion is a "hook," commonly found in similarity-brands. The cereal is still widely known under that name and I don't remember hearing Fruit Loops until sometime in the late 2000s.
Reason: Spelling and grammar.
Edited by Background Pony #E52F
Background Pony #E52F
I guess I'll be the one....
"Aro": Hoop, ring, or loop. And "Fruti", is well, fruity.
The cereal's name is literally "Fruity loops". My guess is that they changed the last part to avoid some kind of copyright with Kellogg's as "Fruti Lupis" is the earlier name for Fruit Loops in Mexico - some say, pre 1988. The cereal is still widely known under that name and I don't remember hearing Fruit Loops until sometime in the late 2000s.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #E52F