Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Delphince on image #1661163

Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

"[@Gian Song Yim":](/1661163#comment_6912015

) Song 

Song Yim"] "[@Delphince":](/1661163#comment_6911975
Wallflower **erased** memories. Plz check your facts or at least the special beforehand. [/bq]

Well, let's see... Neurological engrams, specifically episodic declarative memory in the form of electrochemical impulses maintained by synaptic protein synthesis and membrain potentials typically between the –40 mV to –80 mV range, resultant of intracellular transduction cascades, were transformed into a cohesive matrix of unknown energy type emitting photonic radiation in a single binding color and repeating complex pictograph both representative of the subject matter with the former being metaphorical and the latter literal. While this transformation is left implied, considering the former host of said memories immediately displays symptoms of acute dissociative amnesia, it can be reasonably concluded that a comparable process has taken place. There are no known naturally occurring biological processes that can facilitate said transformation, despite originating from the target's host body, therefore it can be deduced that the phenomenon can be attributed to action by the directed annular projection of energy emitted by an object previously categorized as "magical" in nature which struck the host prior to the event under consideration. Due to the physical discomfort exhibited by the host and accompanying vocalizations, the emission of the energy matrix can be categorized as "nonconsensual". Regarding the methods by which the matrix maintains its cohesion, orthodox shape, and intricately complex superficial appearance, as well as locomotion, again: no natural occurrence can be attributed to such a construct and it can be assumed no hidden technological processes were working in concert with the aforementioned magical artifact, therefore it can be stated with acceptably high confidence that the nature of the energy matrix is, as well, "magical". This matrix is then drawn to and absorbed by the artifact. Destruction of the artifact results in the reverse of the entire process, releasing all recently absorbed and evidently "stored" independent matrixes before they are reintegrated with their original corresponding hosts.

In conclusion, memories were converted into a magical energy, removed from their owner without consent in a non-destructive manner—i.e., "stolen"—as a result of the application of a magical artifact by a second party. While summary destruction of said memories were indicated as a potential, such destruction or erasure did not occur during this specific event as the conditions for such erasure were not met.
No reason given
Edited by Delphince
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

"@Gian Song Yim":/1661163#comment_6912015

"@Gian Song Yim":/1661163#comment_6912015
[bq="Gian Song Yim"] "@Delphince":/1661163#comment_6911975
Wallflower *erased* memories. Plz check your facts or at least the special beforehand. [/bq]

Well, let's see... Neurological engrams, specifically episodic declarative memory in the form of electrochemical impulses maintained by synaptic protein synthesis and membrain potentials typically between the –40 mV to –80 mV range, resultant of intracellular transduction cascades, were transformed into a cohesive matrix of unknown energy type emitting photonic radiation in a single binding color and repeating complex pictograph both representative of the subject matter with the former being metaphorical and the latter literal. While this transformation is left implied, considering the former host of said memories immediately displays symptoms of acute dissociative amnesia, it can be reasonably concluded that a comparable process has taken place. There are no known naturally occurring biological processes that can facilitate said transformation, despite originating from the target's host body, therefore it can be deduced that the phenomenon can be attributed to action by the directed annular projection of energy emitted by an object previously categorized as "magical" in nature which struck the host prior to the event under consideration. Due to the physical discomfort exhibited by the host and accompanying vocalizations, the emission of the energy matrix can be categorized as "nonconsensual". Regarding the methods by which the matrix maintains its cohesion, orthodox shape, and intricately complex superficial appearance, as well as locomotion, again: no natural occurrence can be attributed to such a construct and it can be assumed no hidden technological processes were working in concert with the aforementioned magical artifact, therefore it can be stated with acceptably high confidence that the nature of the energy matrix is, as well, "magical". This matrix is then drawn to and absorbed by the artifact. Destruction of the artifact results in the reverse of the entire process, releasing all recently absorbed and evidently "stored" independent matrixes before they are reintegrated with their original corresponding hosts.

In conclusion, memories were converted into a magical energy, removed from their owner without consent in a non-destructive manner—i.e., "stolen"—as a result of the application of a magical artifact by a second party. While summary destruction of said memories were indicated as a potential, such destruction or erasure did not occur during this specific event as the conditions for such erasure were not met.
No reason given
Edited by Delphince