Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #809B on image #1674190

Background Pony #809B
I've posted various real life stuff, mostly just things I found amusing. Photos of a real duck for example. Recently I posted an edited pic of Sunset Shimmer laying in a real frying pan.

Then again,it may have nothing to do with the rules. I think this particular mod just doesn't like me or my content. He/she is a bit harsh.

Try to keep your content on the cartoony side, within the bounds of the show itself. Some mods don't like real pictures with super imposed characters from the show apparently. >:(

Also, try to put in the source if where you got your image, especially if it's from this site. Some artists have copyrighted their work, kinda... You can modify some of it but you have to give credit to the creator, by putting artist:usernamehere in the tags. You also have to provide the source or url of some deviant art content.

It's amazing that mods never explain this stuff to us and just expect us to know. 'Just read the rules and don't bother us' is a badsic excuse. That's like acussing someone of a crime without explaing to them why or reading them rights. I suppose mods are sick and tired of rule breaking, but personally I think its a bit much to expect someone who joined a few months ago to know all the rules. Some of them are pretty rude about it too.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #809B
Background Pony #809B
I've posted various real life stuff, mostly just things I found amusing. Photos of a real duck for example. Recently I posted an edited pic of Sunset Shimmer laying in a real frying pan.

Then again,it may have nothing to do with the rules. I think this particular mod just doesn't like me or my content. He/she is a bit harsh.

Try to keep your content on the cartoony side, within the bounds of the show itself. Some mods don't like real pictures with super imposed characters from the show apparently. >:(

Also, try to put in the source if where you got your image, especially if it's from this site. Some artists have copyrighted their work, kinda... You can modify some of it but you have to give credit to the creator, by putting artist:usernamehere in the tags. You also have to provide the source or url of some deviant art content.

It's amazing that mods never explain this stuff to us and just expect us to know. 'Just read the rules and don't bother us' is a badic excuse. That's like acussing someone of a crime without explaing to them why or reading them rights. I suppose mods are sick and tired of rule breaking, but personally I think its a bit much to expect someone who joined a few months ago to know all the rules. Some of them are pretty rude about it too.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #809B