Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Ryodraco on image #1695361


Indeed, bsince all we reallyo kndew about her were her hobbies/job and her relationship with Pinkie we never really got to know enough about Maud to say whether she was into or against romantic relationships. Indeed, the fact that she did want a close friend outside her family last season can even be seen as a step toward her becoming willing to get a romantic friend.
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Edited by Ryodraco

Indeed, beyond her hobbies/job and her relationship with Pinkie we never really got to know enough about Maud to say whether she was into or against romantic relationships. Indeed, the fact that she did want a close friend outside her family last season can even be seen as a step toward her becoming willing to get a romantic friend.
No reason given
Edited by Ryodraco

Indeed, beyond her hobbies and her relationship with Pinkie we never really got to know enough about Maud to say whether she was into or against romantic relationships. Indeed, the fact that she did want a close friend outside her family last season can even be seen as a step toward her becoming willing to get a romantic friend.
No reason given
Edited by Ryodraco