Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Silver_lining on image #1775725

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[spoiler]||@background pony #8E78: I fail to see how a relationship between two people of the same gender is in any way wrong. (Warning: I'm agnostic, and I don't bother with religion and all its hypocrisies and blind faith, so I'm about to say some stuff that the church cults will consider blasphemous.) If "God" didn't intend for same-gender relationships to happen, why are they happening? (Let me guess: "God works in mysterious ways"?) You're seriously going to [spoiler]shit[/spoiler] all over a relationship between two people just because it doesn't conform with a closed-minded cult? You would seriously advocate two people being forced to change, to love someone of the opposite gender instead of the same, just to please some deity who has allowed countless tragedies to befall humanity, to allow innocents to die horrible deaths at the hands of horrible people? If your God loves "deviants" like homosexuals so much...then why can't you? Why can't you just accept people for the way they are and let them be? Why does love have to be gendered?

I don't need a god telling me who to love or why. I already have plenty of reasons to love my friends and family, like their kindness and loyalty. And I don't take offense at homosexual relationships; heck, I even enjoy lesbian and bi girl couples. I'm not into guys (I've been curious before, but I find I prefer ladies), but I don't begrudge those who are.

And this is just a cute pic of one cute pony kissing another. If you can't appreciate the simple beauty of that and let people be, then I ask that you take your religious prejudices elsewhere, because they don't belong on this site.[/spoiler]||
No reason given
Edited by Silver_lining
Artist -

[spoiler]@background pony #8E78: I fail to see how a relationship between two people of the same gender is in any way wrong. (Warning: I'm agnostic, and I don't bother with religion and all its hypocrisies and blind faith, so I'm about to say some stuff that the church cults will consider blasphemous.) If "God" didn't intend for same-gender relationships to happen, why are they happening? (Let me guess: "God works in mysterious ways"?) You're seriously going to [spoiler]shit[/spoiler] all over a relationship between two people just because it doesn't conform with a closed-minded cult? You would seriously advocate two people being forced to change, to love someone of the opposite gender instead of the same, just to please some deity who has allowed countless tragedies to befall humanity, to allow innocents to die horrible deaths at the hands of horrible people? If your God loves "deviants" like homosexuals so much...then why can't you? Why can't you just accept people for the way they are and let them be? Why does love have to be gendered?

I don't need a god telling me who to love or why. I already have plenty of reasons to love my friends and family, like their kindness and loyalty. And I don't take offense at homosexual relationships; heck, I even enjoy lesbian and bi girl couples. I'm not into guys (I've been curious before, but I find I prefer ladies), but I don't begrudge those who are.

And this is just a cute pic of one cute pony kissing another. If you can't appreciate the simple beauty of that and let people be, then I ask that you take your religious prejudices elsewhere, because they don't belong on this site.[/spoiler]
No reason given
Edited by Silver_lining