Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #B744 on image #1791070

Background Pony #B744
The proof is that pony!Rarity is straight, then so is EqG!Rarity. If Pony!Twilight and EqG!Twilight isare straight, then it works for the Rarity as well. Like, duh.



people keep insisting that Sciset is a real thing when +__both are straight.+[/bq]
A smart person proportions their belief on the evidence; shippers go against evidence to fit their agenda.

It’s embarrassing[/bq]

Shippers **are** pretty embarrassing; they go through too many mental gymnastics to slap the faces of the characters they claim to like.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #B744
Background Pony #B744
The proof is that pony!Rarity is straight, then so is EqG!Rarity. If Pony!Twilight and EqG!Twilight areis straight, then it works for the Rarity as well. Like, duh.

[bq="Tavi959"]people keep insisting that Sciset is a real thing when +both are straight.+[/bq]
A smart person proportions their belief on the evidence; shippers go against evidence to fit their agenda.
[bq]It’s embarrassing[/bq]
Shippers *are* pretty embarrassing; they go through too many mental gymnastics to slap the faces of the characters they claim to like.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #B744
Background Pony #B744
The proof is that pony!Rarity is straight, then so is EqG!Rarity. If Pony!Twilight and EqG!Twilight are straight, then it works for the Rarity as well. Like, duh.

[bq="Tavi959"]people keep insisting that Sciset is a real thing when +both are straight.+[/bq]
A smart person proportions their belief on the evidence.
[bq]It’s embarrassing[/bq]
Shippers *are* pretty embarrassing; they go through too many mental gymnastics to slap the faces of the characters they claim to like.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #B744