Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #5733 on image #1791950

Background Pony #5733
"[@Background Pony #38C0":](/1791950#comment_7340794
) Hasbro give Dash rea 
lly love. She will hcavte very many songs singed by her pown and her 1st solo will not be in S5. But in S2 or maybe S3.**
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #5733
Background Pony #5733
"@Background Pony #38C0":/1791950#comment_7340794
If Hasbro give Dash really love. She will have very many songs singed by her own and her 1st solo will not be in S5. But in S2 or maybe S3.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #5733