Viewing last 25 versions of comment by NavyBr0wnie on image #1828766

My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Brown brony in the navy
@Background Pony #058D":](/1828766#comment_7489647
I did consider pulling a vision and saying "its more complex than good and bad, I am on the side of life" but felt that'd be too on the nose.

While they may not be labels we can realistically apply ourselves no one can stop us from attempting to embody them, I try to carry myself to the best of my ability, do the right thing teach when I can't do, etc. I know I can do much, and when I can I do.

But saying that I'm on the side of life, is probably the best way to put it I guess. To nurture, better, and endure it. As far as Karma goes, I try to stick to the "don't do shituff to someone you wouldn't want done to you" ideology.

unless it's a bomb [spoiler].-~~||ass-.[/spoiler]||~~ joke, then it's worth it.
No reason given
Edited by NavyBr0wnie
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Brown brony in the navy
"@Background Pony #058D":/1828766#comment_7489647
I did consider pulling a vision and saying "its more complex than good and bad, I am on the side of life" but felt that'd be too on the nose.

While they may not be labels we can realistically apply ourselves no one can stop us from attempting to embody them, I try to carry myself to the best of my ability, do the right thing teach when I can't do, etc. I know I can do much, and when I can I do.

But saying that I'm on the side of life, is probably the best way to put it I guess. To nurture, better, and endure it. As far as Karma goes, I try to stick to the don't do shit to someone you wouldn't want done to you.

unless it's a bomb [spoiler].-ass-.[/spoiler] joke, then it's worth it.
No reason given
Edited by NavyBr0wnie