Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Pudding Pone on image #1858510

Pudding Pone
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Artist -

"[@Background Pony #F4C0":](/1858510#comment_7675000
Why are you bringing wubcake into this redexorcist just said they don't know who she is and its not like you give context anyways there are alot of famous VA's and in the fandom "[at least link to her works":]( she even has an account here too.
No reason given
Edited by Pudding Pone
Pudding Pone
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Artist -

"@Background Pony #F4C0":/1858510#comment_7675000
Why are you bringing wubcake into this redexorcist just said they don't know who she is and its not like you give context anyways there are alot of famous VA's in the fandom "at least link to her works":
No reason given
Edited by Pudding Pone