Viewing last 25 versions of comment by TheMultiBrony21 on image #1862975

Wallet After Summer Sale -
Artist -

Mal Hearts
"[@Dirty Bit":](/1818281#comment_7431291
If what I've heard is true... She has a change of heart and betrays him... Though in essence he betrayed/used her anyways.

He (Neighsay) deserves to rot in Tartarus .
No reason given
Edited by TheMultiBrony21
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Artist -

Mal Hearts
"@Dirty Bit":/1818281#comment_7431291
If what I've heard is true... She has a change of heart and betrays him... Though in essence he betrayed/used her anyways.

He deserves to rot in Tartarus
No reason given
Edited by TheMultiBrony21