Viewing last 25 versions of comment by LightningLazer on image #1870794

Wallet After Summer Sale -
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Electric Dragon⚡
"[@Derpy Whooves":](/images/1870794#comment_8339895
Except I never mentioned anything about filtering comments but simply posts in general that contains spoilers or simply unsubscribe or avoid seeing comments that contain potential spoilers of unaired episodes from S9.

Even if I could there's a limitation of editing comments which is pretty much beyond my control.

But if I'm being honest here and I can't speak for Daneasuar but I really
don't know how the episode plays out myself so I really don't have much orf anything to spoil.
Reason: Slight grammar error
Edited by LightningLazer
Wallet After Summer Sale -
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Electric Dragon⚡
"@Derpy Whooves":/images/1870794#comment_8339895
Except I never mentioned anything about filtering comments but simply posts in general that contains spoilers or simply unsubscribe or avoid seeing comments that contain potential spoilers of unaired episodes from S9.

Even if I could there's a limitation of editing comments which is pretty much beyond my control.

But if I'm being honest here and I can't speak for Daneasuar but I really
don't know how the episode plays out myself so I really don't have much or anything to spoil.
No reason given
Edited by LightningLazer