Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #3152 on image #1880401

Background Pony #3152
"[@Background Pony #79E7":](/1880401#comment_7647744
What? How this logic even works? I think you're just overreacting a bit (and the mods, apparently, are). I can see how you could read into it and come to a conclusion that the person was trying to offend Starlight, or, you know, equally possiblye that they just concocted a weird story about a changeling, with no relation to Starlight or any attempt to offend. That's also a possibility and that's how I saw it, and I like Starlight. So...
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #3152
Background Pony #3152
"@Background Pony #79E7":/1880401#comment_7647744
What? How this logic even works? I think you're just overreacting a bit (and the mods, apparently, are). I can see how you could read into it and come to a conclusion that the person was trying to offend Starlight, or, you know, equally possibly that they just concocted a weird story about a changeling, with no relation to Starlight or any attempt to offend. That's also a possibility and that's how I saw it, and I like Starlight. So...
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #3152
Background Pony #3152
"@Background Pony #79E7":/1880401#comment_7647744
What? How this logic even works? I think you're just overreacting a bit (and the mods, apparently, are). I can see how you could read into it and come to a conclusion that the person was trying to offend Starlight, or, you know, equally possibly that they just concocted a weird story about a changeling, with no relation to Starlight or any attempt to offend. That's also a possibility and that's how I saw it, and I like Starlight. So...
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #3152
Background Pony #3152
"@Background Pony #79E7":/1880401#comment_7647744
What? How this logic even works? I think you're just overreacting a bit (and the mods, apparently, are). I can see how you could read into it and come to a conclusion that the person was trying to offend Starlight, or, you know, equally possibly that they just concocted a weird story about a changeling, with no relation to Starlight or any attempt to offend. That's also a possibility and that's how I saw it, and I like Starlight. So...
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #3152