Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #EDB1 on image #1890928

Background Pony #EDB1
) " 

> [
@Background Pony #C474":](/1890928#comment_7680398

> [
@Background Pony #F260":](/1890928#comment_7680449

Spike perving Octavia and Vinyl >>1479155

Spike and Vinyl dating (maybe) >>1557554

Moondancer kissing Spike >>1825500 [/bq]

1st example is Spike trying to hold back on his natural like for butt. That isn't him having a love relationship with Octavia or Vinyl.

2nd example is Spike asking Vinyl to go with him to single's night as like a wingman. Sort of moral support as a friend. Not asking her as a date to go. Vinyl's just teasing him.

3rd example is not moondancer coming onto Spike. Like I said in my other post, Moondancer save Spike there from having to choose between Starlight or Lily. She kissed Spike as a shock so he didn't have to hurt the feelings of others or him getting in trouble.
[@Digi [FiM]](/1890928#comment_7680614)  
Exactly right.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #EDB1
Background Pony #EDB1
[bq="FloydPinkerton"] "@Background Pony #C474":/1890928#comment_7680398

"@Background Pony #F260":/1890928#comment_7680449

Spike perving Octavia and Vinyl >>1479155

Spike and Vinyl dating (maybe) >>1557554

Moondancer kissing Spike >>1825500 [/bq]

1st example is Spike trying to hold back on his natural like for butt. That isn't him having a love relationship with Octavia or Vinyl.

2nd example is Spike asking Vinyl to go with him to single's night as like a wingman. Sort of moral support as a friend. Not asking her as a date to go. Vinyl's just teasing him.

3rd example is not moondancer coming onto Spike. Like I said in my other post, Moondancer save Spike there from having to choose between Starlight or Lily. She kissed Spike as a shock so he didn't have to hurt the feelings of others or him getting in trouble.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #EDB1