Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Joseph Raszagal on image #1965646

Joseph Raszagal
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Emily Brickenbrackle III
"[@Rainbow Dash is best pony":](/1965646#comment_7951383
) Dash 

is best pony"] Why do I suddenly feel like it’s the end of the world? [/bq]

So long as the fandom's still alive, the show's still alive.

Just look at Star Trek, yo. The original series lasted for three years (1966 - 1969) and no one's ever going to forget it any time soon. It created an empire... all before the internet. MLP FiM isn't going anywhere any time soon.
Reason: Dates and things
Edited by Joseph Raszagal
Joseph Raszagal
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Emily Brickenbrackle III
"@Rainbow Dash is best pony":/1965646#comment_7951383
[bq="Rainbow Dash is best pony"] Why do I suddenly feel like it’s the end of the world? [/bq]
So long as the fandom's still alive, the show's still alive.

Just look at Star Trek, yo. The original series lasted for three years and no one's ever going to forget it any time soon. It created an empire... all before the internet. MLP FiM isn't going anywhere any time soon.
No reason given
Edited by Joseph Raszagal