Viewing last 25 versions of comment by GlacierFrostclaw on image #1997271

Wallet After Summer Sale -
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
Artist -

Second is better, but here are some suggestions to improve. For the bodies, try using two circles. One for the flank, one for the chest. Head would be a third circle. Also make the legs a bit thicker and they should look better. Keep up the practice and reference images from the show when you can.
EDIT: Clarification on the circles. When drawing the circles, draw them as lightly as you can while still being able to see them so you can erase them after getting the body shape down.
No reason given
Edited by GlacierFrostclaw
Wallet After Summer Sale -
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
Artist -

Second is better, but here are some suggestions to improve. For the bodies, try using two circles. One for the flank, one for the chest. Head would be a third circle. Also make the legs a bit thicker and they should look better. Keep up the practice and reference images from the show when you can.
No reason given
Edited by GlacierFrostclaw