Background Pony #8D9E
I gotta be real here, I actually really did like Ragamuffin. Of all the male love interest the EQG series introduced, he was personally my favorite. I don't know I just found him to be a harmless enjoyable dgoofusball who's fun to stick around wiatch rather than another generic pretty boy with no flaws nor personality like Flash Sentry is & I was actually ok with him being a love interest for Rarity.
[spoiler]That is until the end when it was reveal that he was faking his accent just to mess with Rarity, basically taking advantage of her, which made me dislike the guy.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]That is until the end when it was reveal that he was faking his accent just to mess with Rarity, basically taking advantage of her, which made me dislike the guy.[/spoiler]