Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #9059 on image #2038526

Background Pony #9059
"[@Background Pony #B930":](/2038526#comment_8167467
There was an article on the Internet about a guy who (stealthily) went around an MtG meeting having his photo taken next to people who's butt-cracks' were on unintentionally display.
Found it:
Reason: Link to article (poss NSFW?).
Edited by Background Pony #9059
Background Pony #9059
"@Background Pony #B930":/2038526#comment_8167467
There was an article on the Internet about a guy who (stealthily) went around an MtG meeting having his photo taken next to people who's butt-cracks' were on unintentionally display.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #9059