Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Deathspank on image #2038529


Tennessee Hillbilly
Hmm... I’m an electrician and I can say that in short you won’t get the mobility or practicality using electricity as you would fire, you could still make deadly booby traps out of common house wiring that still has power. And an industrial setting where you have 3-phase power, 208V and 480V, and endless ratnests of wiring... things could get interesting. **Kaboom, arc flash**
*...assuming you know what the hell you’re doing.
No reason given
Edited by Deathspank

Tennessee Hillbilly
Hmm... I’m an electrician and I can say that in short you won’t get the mobility or practicality using electricity as you would fire, you could still make deadly booby traps out of common house wiring that still has power. And an industrial setting where you have 3-phase power, 208V and 480V, and endless ratnests of wiring... things could get interesting. *Kaboom, arc flash*
No reason given
Edited by Deathspank