Viewing last 25 versions of comment by DatDumbarseKoala on image #2049272

Wallet After Summer Sale -

Milo Addict
The fact that people are still salty over the crap with Ragamuffin utterly baffles me. It was a clear indirect way for the production team to say "yes, we think they're dating, Daddy Hasbro just won't let it happen due to possible controversy". The fact that this isn't good enough goes to show how spoiled some RariJack shippers are, and it just kind of annoys me. I adore the ship, and I thought the indirection was hilarious. People need to chill, it is still just a show for pre-teen girls. IA very fun and entertaining one that anyone can enjoy, but still a show for pre-teen girls. Not to mention, do you really think Hasbro wants more controversy after the whole Derpy crap back in 2011?.
No reason given
Edited by DatDumbarseKoala
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Milo Addict
The fact that people are still salty over the crap with Ragamuffin utterly baffles me. It was a clear indirect way for the production team to say "yes, we think they're dating, Daddy Hasbro just won't let it happen due to possible controversy". The fact that this isn't good enough goes to show how spoiled some RariJack shippers are, and it just kind of annoys me. I adore the ship, and I thought the indirection was hilarious. People need to chill, it is still just a show for pre-teen girls. I very fun and entertaining one that anyone can enjoy, but still a show for pre-teen girls. Not to mention, do you really think Hasbro wants more controversy after the whole Derpy crap back in 2011?.
No reason given
Edited by DatDumbarseKoala