Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Goddess Erosia on image #2049272

Goddess Erosia

bow before me owo
Oh my fucking god....

They literally said it's an in-joke.

In joke =/= canon

"riding the line so people can reach their own conclusions" =/= a solid answer. No confirmation or denial.

Point 1 to take away from this = It is not canon.

Point 2 to take away from this = It not being canon shouldn't matter to shippers because it's an in-joke and we can all just enjoy our secret joke even though it's not officially endorsed by Hasbro.

Point 3 to take away from this = It not being canon does not take away the value from the ship.

Point 4 to take away from this = It not being canon gives some credibility to people making fun of the shippers, but it's so minor of an issue that it should mean nothing because fighting over ships is literally one of the worst most stupid things you could ever do on the internet, and people should just let others do what they like instead of fighting over "what is correct".

Point 5 to take away from this = _***stop.*_**
I say this all as someone who supports this ship. It's not my favorite - actually one of my least favorites, but I have nothing really against it. This is just the objective truth. We were literally just told this.
No reason given
Edited by Goddess Erosia
Goddess Erosia

bow before me owo
Oh my fucking god....

They literally said it's an in-joke.

In joke =/= canon

"riding the line so people can reach their own conclusions" =/= a solid answer. No confirmation or denial.

Point 1 to take away from this = It is not canon.

Point 2 to take away from this = It not being canon shouldn't matter to shippers because it's an in-joke and we can all just enjoy our secret joke even though it's not officially endorsed by Hasbro.

Point 3 to take away from this = It not being canon does not take away the value from the ship.

Point 4 to take away from this = It not being canon gives some credibility to people making fun of the shippers, but it's so minor of an issue that it should mean nothing because fighting over ships is literally one of the worst most stupid things you could ever do on the internet, and people should just let others do what they like instead of fighting over "what is correct".

Point 5 to take away from this = _*stop.*_
No reason given
Edited by Goddess Erosia