Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Terminal Rex on image #2091165

Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
Might be a good idea for an episode or two. Have a morally objectivist character show up who wants to put every reformed villain on trial. Make him a judge or the god of law or something. Have Twilight step up as their defence attourney and have her explain her methods and the invisual reasons she gave each of these characters, including Discord and Luna, a second chance.
Hmmm. Perhaps the comics could do something like that.
No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex
Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
Might be a good idea for an cliep ishode or two. Have a morally objectivist character show up who wants to put every reformed villain on trial. Make him a judge or the god of law or something. Have Twilight step up as their defence attourney and have her explain her methods and the invisual reasons she gave each of these characters, including Discord and Luna, a second chance.
No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex
Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
Might be a good idea for a clip show. Have a morally objectivisty character show up who wants to put every reformed villain on trial. Make him a judge or the god of law or something. Have Twilight step up as their defence attourney and have her explain her methods and the invisual reasons she gave each of these characters, including Discord and Luna, a second chance.
No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex
Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
Might be a good idea for a clip show. Have a moral objectivity character show up who wants to put every reformed villain on trial. Make him a judge or the god of law or something. Have Twilight step up as their defence attourney and have her explain her methods and the invisual reasons she gave each of these characters, including Discord and Luna, a second chance.
No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex