Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #8FD7 on image #2094423

Background Pony #8FD7
"[@Background Pony #F1BC":](/2094423#comment_8304039

She probably won't see this but she should add herself to DNP list because it's not just for blocking all art but for restrictions as well (like only the artist can upload their art or only sart frome of thce artain st'ources art can be uploaded).
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #8FD7
Background Pony #8FD7
"@Background Pony #F1BC":/2094423#comment_8304039

She probably won't see this but she should add herself to DNP list because it's not just for blocking all art but for restrictions as well (like only the artist can upload their art or only some of the artist's art can be uploaded).
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #8FD7
Background Pony #8FD7
"@Background Pony #F1BC":/2094423#comment_8304039

She probably won't see this but she should add herself to list because it's not just for blocking all art but for restrictions as well (like only the artist can upload their art or only some of the artist's art can be uploaded).
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #8FD7