Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #4C2B on image #2113350

Background Pony #4C2B
"[@Dirty Bit":](/images/2113350#comment_8367572
) Bit"] 

" [@Background Pony #21B6":](/images/2113350#comment_8359536
) Pony
> Hooray for Badum's first MILF pic!

> > %
Even if she is the worst MILF since Mallory Archer, she's still better than no MILF.~% [/bq]

He also did Cup Cake [/bq]

Yeah, I know, I just forgot for the moment, but "[EC1A":](/images/2113350#comment_8363353) did also point out that Badum had done a pic of Cup before.
(They also mentioned Chrysalis, which Badum has done a fair few pics of, but her MILF status is arguable, since all of her children defected to Equestria, an enemy nation to Chrysalis' hive.)
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #4C2B
Background Pony #4C2B
"@Dirty Bit":/images/2113350#comment_8367572
[bq="Dirty Bit"] "@Background Pony #21B6":/images/2113350#comment_8359536
[bq="Background Pony #21B6"] Hooray for Badum's first MILF pic!
~Even if she is the worst MILF since Mallory Archer, she's still better than no MILF.~ [/bq]
He also did Cup Cake [/bq]
Yeah, I know, I just forgot for the moment, but "EC1A":/images/2113350#comment_8363353 did also point out that Badum had done a pic of Cup before.
(They also mentioned Chrysalis, which Badum has done a fair few pics of, but her MILF status is arguable, since all of her children defected to Equestria, an enemy nation to Chrysalis' hive.)
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #4C2B