Viewing last 25 versions of comment by 546 Horsepower on image #2130158

546 Horsepower
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Yes, I like cars.
"[@Copper Knight":](/images/2130158#comment_8416378
I compared screencaps of Twilight from season 4 and 9. There's not a difference between them.  
Somebody on Reddit read Hasbro's printing of the Journal of the Two sisters. They said it contained something about their childhoods
No reason given
Edited by 546 Horsepower
546 Horsepower
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Yes, I like cars.
"@Copper Knight":/images/2130158#comment_8416378
I compared screencaps of Twilight from season 4 and 9. There's not a difference between them
No reason given
Edited by 546 Horsepower