Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Wolfjira on image #2169401

Wallet After Summer Sale -

Run! He's gonna sing!
**David Attenborough**: Here in the Equestrian Forests, survival is key. And life has adapted to this harsh environment spectacularly. Except, for *these* ponies. Due to the effects of climate change and the series finale; these ponies have become desperate. So much so, that they're even willing to attacke on their natural predators.

(pegasus: "Fork over the bits")

David Attenborough: It's a dragon, a male, covered head to tail in hard scales. Each of his limbs terminate in dagger-like claws and his fangs are like razor blades; strong enough to crush diamonds. All dragons breath fire from the moment they are born; making them the most successful apex predators in Equestria. This one is still young, weighing in at over 353kg and still growing.
No reason given
Edited by Wolfjira
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Run! He's gonna sing!
David Attenborough: Here in the Equestrian Forests, survival is key. And life has adapted to this harsh environment spectacularly. Except, for *these* ponies. Due to the effects of climate change and the series finale; these ponies have become desperate. So much so, that they're even willing to attack their natural predators.

(pegasus: "Fork over the bits")

David Attenborough: It's a dragon, a male, covered head to tail in hard scales. Each of his limbs terminate in dagger-like claws and his fangs are like razor blades; strong enough to crush diamonds. All dragons breath fire from the moment they are born; making them the most successful apex predators in Equestria. This one is still young, weighing in at over 353kg and still growing.
No reason given
Edited by Wolfjira