Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #3BEB on image #2170820

Background Pony #3BEB
NO, _***YOU** stay away from the bell!!_* We can't trust your **greedy soul-sucking mouth** to guard its power!!!
__Lord Tirek:__ **None of us can use the Alicorns' magic** until we figure out how to handle that *fool's ridiculous chaos magic!*
Haven't you heard of the *__Heisenberg Chaos Theory Principle__*??? **The more you try to understand its inner workings**, *the more it'll change its laws of quantum physics*
**AND the more you try to measure its fluctuations in chaotic power**, *the less you'll figure out its quantum behavior*
In other words, the more we try to understand it, the more complicated it'll only get!! I say we just leave it alone and only use it under extreme circumstances!
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #3BEB
Background Pony #3BEB
NO, _*YOU* stay away from the bell!!_ We can't trust your *greedy soul-sucking mouth* to guard its power!!!
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #3BEB