Viewing last 25 versions of comment by CronoM on image #2184569


Hard disagree in turn. Your argument is completely exaggerated and nonsensical, and you'll be hard pressed to find people who believe her backstory made sense even among Starlight fans. Even a lot of Starlight fans I've talked to agree her backstory was not that well written and was very rushed.

What indicators showed there were underlying problems for her child self? A big fat 0. You say that sort of trauma doesn't happen instantly? I would agree normally...

But it DOES happen in shitty writing. You are assuming a non-existent underlying issue to justify her unjustifiable backstory. That's fanfiction, not analysis. I am not you, I don't see your headcanon unless it was actually shown. There was no fear of loss of stability, she was never presented as an amazingly emotional unstable and mentally ill child, its something you made up to try to justify her.

Starlight being a mentally ill child with hyper paranoid fears of abandonment or change __could have__ helped sell her backstory. But fans can go days on should of's, could of's and would of's they feel passionate about. I didn't happen. She WAS normal, and she was portrayed as a completely normal child mentally. Sunburst leaving was an astoundingly pedestrian affair +__and child Starlight had no canon underlying hyperfear of change+__ , and as I'm sure you've already heard from many others, it was full of relatively easy solutions that didn't both A) Warrent and B) Necessitate revenge on a worldly dynamic like cutie marks.

I sort of get your thought process. To deny any lack of quality in the writing, you've already consider a headcanon version of Starlight that was never actually properly considered by the writers, that has an underlying issue that explains her drastic change from normal child to supervillain. Ergo, you are calling child Starlight as initially unstable.

That doesn't fly. There simply wasn't anything about her to suggest she had an underlying issue to explain what she became after the trigger. She was just a normal child dude. Headcanon Child Starlight who visibly had tons of paranoid fear of change and other underlying problems does not count. Character consistency is not strong suit for the character writers for Starlight. Heck, Villain Starlight is a fairly genre savvy, Machiavellian smart talker of a villain, and Reformed Starlight is a fairly clueless, genre savvy-less nerd with very few social skills. There's no point in pretending Starlight ever had any well written character consistency between the big stages of her life.
No reason given
Edited by CronoM

Hard disagree in turn. Your argument is completely exaggerated and nonsensical, and you'll be hard pressed to find people who believe her backstory made sense even among Starlight fans. Even a lot of Starlight fans I've talked to agree her backstory was not that well written and was very rushed.

What indicators showed there were underlying problems for her child self? A big fat 0. You say that sort of trauma doesn't happen instantly? I would agree normally...

But it DOES happen in shitty writing. You are assuming a non-existent underlying issue to justify her unjustifiable backstory. That's fanfiction, not analysis. I am not you, I don't see your headcanon unless it was actually shown. There was no fear of loss of stability, she was never presented as an amazingly emotional unstable and mentally ill child, its something you made up to try to justify her.

Starlight being a mentally ill child with hyper paranoid fears of abandonment or change could have helped sell her backstory. But fans can go days on should of's, could of's and would of's they feel passionate about. I didn't happen. She WAS normal, and she was portrayed as a completely normal child mentally. Sunburst leaving was an astoundingly pedestrian affair +and child Starlight had no canon underlying hyperfear of change+ , and as I'm sure you've already heard from many others, it was full of relatively easy solutions that didn't both A) Warrent and B) Necessitate revenge on a worldly dynamic like cutie marks.

I sort of get your thought process. To deny any lack of quality in the writing, you've already consider a headcanon version of Starlight that was never actually properly considered by the writers, that has an underlying issue that explains her drastic change from normal child to supervillain. Ergo, you are calling child Starlight as initially unstable.

That doesn't fly. There simply wasn't anything about her to suggest she had an underlying issue to explain what she became after the trigger. She was just a normal child dude. Headcanon Child Starlight who visibly had tons of paranoid fear of change and other underlying problems does not count. Character consistency is not strong suit for the character writers for Starlight. Heck, Villain Starlight is a fairly genre savvy, Machiavellian smart talker of a villain, and Reformed Starlight is a fairly clueless, genre savvy-less nerd with very few social skills. There's no point in pretending Starlight ever had any well written character consistency between the big stages of her life.
No reason given
Edited by CronoM