Viewing last 25 versions of comment by PastelBacon on image #2195094


Sunset Shimmer
"[@Background Pony #98F7":](/images/2195094#comment_8730305

Alright, you'rethis bis getting a complete ridiculotus.

So let me preface this.

I'm someone who likes to make myself crystal clear when people like you come along.

I do not like the way Pony Life looks.
I do not think it will be a good show.
That is simply my opinion.

I will not go around telling people to boycott it.
I will not call people who think it might be good "idiots."

I will let people who want to see if the show will be any good, do so.

I called you out with the "consume product" line because you made it clear from the start and with these newer replies that you are the kind that is like "OMG A HATER!" if you see even the smallest negative detail.

There are civil people on both sides.

There are some who don't like the idea of the show or how it looks, but won't force things.
There are some who enjoy the concept, and are interested to see what it will bring but don't try to say "Hey, consume product, you're bad for not liking this"

You are one of the ones who do not think for more than 2 seconds and group everyone who might not like the show together.

So again.

To reiterate.

I do not like the way Pony Life looks.
I do not like the concept of Pony Life after reading the debut synopsis.
I do not think the show will be good.

These are simply my OPINION, something that COULD be proven WRONG.

If it turns out to get a positive rating, or more synopsis come out that look interesting, I will tune in.

It is an opinion to not like something, just as it is opinion to like something.

There is no "facts" when it comes to liking, no matter if something is VERY LIKEABLE, or very UNLIKEABLE.
No reason given
Edited by PastelBacon